Blackheads: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Blackheads: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Blackheads: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies


Blackheads are one of the common forms of acne, blackheads are dark spots that are commonly found around the forehead, nose and chin area. Blackheads commonly affect every person irrespective of their gender and ethnicity. Blackheads don’t let our beauty come out and decrease the glow and shine of our skin. Blackheads usually go on their own but sometimes they may remain with the person for a long period. Blackheads mostly affect people between the age of 18 to 35 years. Scratching blackheads can create acne over your skin. Blackhead is a skin problem that can be cured with a few simple tips and home remedies. 


What are blackheads?

When the oil-producing glands in our body produce too much amount of oil or sebum causes blackheads. A high amount of production of sebum fills the pores of the skin due to which pores of the skin get blocked and spread a little wide, blockage of pores due to excessive production of sebum causes blackheads. Blackheads commonly lie close enough to the surface of the skin, such type of blackheads goes its own while washing up a face or skin. However, a few types of blackheads lie below the surface of the skin and removal of those blackheads can create acnes and dark spots over your skin. 


What causes blackheads?

Blackheads can occur due to various reasons a few of them are stated below-

  • Clogged hair follicles 
  • High consumption of dairy products 
  • Excessive production of sebum
  • Unnatural formation of keratin
  • Androgen increasement 
  • The presence of blackhead because of bacteria 
  • Presence of dirt over the skin
  • Consumption of oil-containing food
  • Usage of harsh chemical products


What are the complications of blackheads?

Complications associated with blackheads are stated below-

  • Acne and scars 
  • Peeled skin
  • Inferiority
  • Stress 


Dos and don’ts to clear blackheads

Follow the tips and preventions stated below to reduce the blackheads on the skin-

  • Avoid the excessive usage of cosmetic products
  • Avoid the consumption of processed and packaged food
  • Avoid the high consumption of fried and fast food
  • Don’t overtake the dairy products 
  • Don’t pick or scratch the blackheads
  • Consume oil-free food
  • Use aloe vera gel mask 
  • Wash your face every time you go outside 
  • Stay away from the dust and pollution
  • Apply the paste of tomato 
  • Apply aloe vera gel over the face
  • Follow the below-mentioned home remedies


Home remedies for blackheads

Follow the home remedies for blackheads to clear and clear your skin at home-


Home remedy for blackheads

Ingredients: Baking soda and water

Step 1: Take one tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of water.

Step 2: Mix both the ingredients properly to make a fine paste.

Instructions: Apply this paste over your blackheads and keep it for 10 to 15 minutes then wash it with the normal lukewarm water. This home remedy for the blackhead clears the deposit from the skin and keeps the skin clean and clear. 


Home remedy for blackheads

Ingredients: Tomato 

Step 1: Cut the tomato into multiple round slices.

Instructions: Rub your face with the slices of tomato, especially on the blackhead affected area. Keep the pulp on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes then wash your skin with normal water. 


Home remedy for blackheads

Ingredients: Water

Step 1: Take a vessel and put a few amounts of water into it. 

Step 2: Heat the vessel till the water gets completely boiled and started steam.

Instructions: Keep the boiling water down from the stove and take the steam of the water to your face. This home remedy for blackheads has many ways to help the skin of your body follow this home remedy thrice a week. 


Home remedy for blackheads

Ingredients: Lemon sap, honey and sugar

Step 1: Take one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of lemon sap and one tablespoon of sugar.

Step 2: Mix all the ingredients properly to make a fine paste.

Instructions: Apply this paste over your blackhead affected skin and keep it as it is for 15 to 20 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water. This home remedy for blackheads is one of the best and most effective home remedies for blackheads.


Home remedy for blackheads

Ingredients: Aloe vera

Step 1: Take a leave of aloe vera and extract the gel of it into a bowl.

Step 2: Mash the aloe vera gel to make a fine paste.

Instructions: Apply this paste to your skin with your fingertips and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and then clear your skin with normal water. Follow this home remedy for blackheads regularly at least one time a day. 


Home remedy for blackheads

Ingredients: Oats, yogurt and lemon

Step 1: Take two tablespoons of oats meal with two tablespoons of yogurt and half a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Step 2: Mix all the ingredients properly to make a fine paste. 

Instructions: Apply this paste over your affected skin and keep it remaining for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with normal water. This home remedy is one of the effective home remedies for blackheads. Try this remedy twice a week. 




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