High Cholesterol: Causes, Complications & Home Remedies

High Cholesterol: Causes, Complications & Home Remedies

High Cholesterol: Causes & Home Remedies

High cholesterol also known as hypercholesterolemia is one of the severe diseases that originate other severe diseases into our body, high cholesterol is one of the diseases which people always under look and take for granted. Awareness among the people and the understanding of the severeness of the high cholesterol is a must. The problem of high cholesterol affects millions of people and every year high cholesterol becomes the cause of death of 4.4 million people globally. India solely registers around 10 million cases of high cholesterol every year. We globally lose 1 person out of 250 people. From the last few years, it has been seen that high cholesterol in young people is increasing rapidly.


What is High Cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia?

High cholesterol is a fatty substance that flow in the arteries with blood, high cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia creates plaques in the arteries and plaques blocks the arteries and flow of the blood into the several organs of the body. High cholesterol is the root cause of heart blockage, stroke, and heart attack. The liver produces cholesterol and around 30% of total cholesterol comes from the diet we take on a regular basis. Cholesterol obtains crucial nutrients, vitamins, hormones, and healthy cells in our body, and an ample limit of cholesterol in our body is very much required for a healthy life. But when our liver produces extra cholesterol into our body the problem of high cholesterol occurs. Over the limit of cholesterol in our blood creates severe problems like heart blockage, heart attack, strokes, and chest pain. 


There are two types of Cholesterol

Cholesterols are divided into two parts as per their working properties and nature-

  1. HDL (high-density lipoprotein)- HDL is particularly known as good cholesterol because of its working properties, HDL carries all the extra cholesterol from our arteries to the liver and drains it from our body.
  2. LDL (low-density lipoprotein)- LDL is generally referred to as bad cholesterol, LDL carries extra cholesterol into our arteries and build plaques and hardens the arteries and decreases the blood flow in the organs.



What are the causes of High cholesterol?

There are a few causes of high cholesterol stated below-

  • Chronic disease of the kidney 
  • Diabetes problem
  • AIDS or HIV issue
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Weaken immunity 
  • Smoking habit
  • High consumption of alcohol
  • Overweight or obesity 
  • Physical inactivity 
  • Consumption of certain medic for a long time
  • Increasing age
  • Stress problem
  • Genetic or family history
  • High consumption of frittered and fat-rich food


What complications a person with high cholesterol can face?

A person living with high cholesterol can experience many complications mentioned below-

  • Heart attack
  • Heart blockage
  • Stroke 
  • Chest pain or angina
  • Kidney related issues
  • Heart failure


Prevention to control high cholesterol is-

  • Stop smoking 

  • Regulate the consumption of alcohol
  • Lose your extra weight 
  • Start doing yoga (Surya Namaskar) every day
  • Increase physical activity
  • Eat a healthy and proper diet
  • Eat fruits
  • Ignore fried and fat-rich food
  • Manage the stress and live happily
  • Eat green vegetables
  • Eat fiber rich products


Home remedies for high cholesterol-

Follow the home remedies mentioned below to control your cholesterol level-


First home remedy for high cholesterol-


Ingredients- 500ml water, and 2 spoons of coriander seed

Instruction- Boil the water with coriander seed and after boiling strain it and drink strained liquid 3 times a day.


Second-home remedy for high cholesterol-


Ingredients- Dry watermelon seed and a glass of normal water

Instruction- Roast the seed of watermelon and grind it properly to make powder. Mix one spoon of powder in the glass of water and stir it. Drink this liquid one time a day.


Third home remedy for high cholesterol-


Ingredients- Basil leaves (Tulsi leaves), and Maragosa leaves (Neem leaves)

Instruction- Take a fresh leave of tulsi and neem and crash it in a traditional method (do not use blender, mixer or grinder) after crashing it, extract the sap of leaves into a glass of water or juice, and drink it once a day.


Fourth home remedy for high cholesterol-


Ingredients- 3 cloves of garlic, a small piece of ginger, 6 strands of coriander leaves, ¼ spoon of salt, ¼ spoon of black pepper, and 10 leaves of green tea.

Instruction- Crush garlic and ginger in a traditional method, after crushing put them into the boiling water with finely chopped coriander strands, heat the mixture till it becomes half of its initial quantity. Then add salt, black pepper, and green tea leaves in the mixture, stir it properly and stop heating the mixture, let the mixture aside for 10 minutes and then strain it and drink it on an empty stomach for 2-3 months regularly.


Fifth home remedy for high cholesterol-


Ingredients- Coriander leaves, garlic, and onion

Instruction- Start consuming coriander leaves, garlic, and onion with lunch, breakfast, and dinner.


Sixth home remedy for high cholesterol-

Ingredients- One spoon onion juice, and one spoon honey

Instruction- mix these two ingredients properly and consume it thrice a day.


Seventh home remedy for high cholesterol-

Ingredients- Basil leaves (Tulsi leaves)

Instruction- Drink the tulsi leave tea daily or consume tulsi leaves with food.


Eighth home remedy for high cholesterol-

Ingredients- Garlic

Instruction- Chew two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach regularly for a month.


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