Cough and Cold: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Cough and Cold: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Cough and cold are the common diseases that every human suffers multiple times in life. Almost every person in this world multiple times faces the problem of cough and cold. The problem of cough and cold mostly occurs in people at a younger age, especially children. Many people more often take cough and cold lightly, common cold and cough mainly go away from our body within a week. However, untreated cough and cold can create the severe problem and can encourage many complications in our body. Consistent cough and fever can be a sign of various severe diseases including tuberculosis and asthma. The problem of cough and cold can be cured so easily with a few simple tips and home remedies. 


What are the symptoms of cough and cold?

Symptoms associated with cough and cold are stated below-

  • Stuffy and runny nose 
  • Soreness in throat
  • Congestion and cough
  • Sneezing 
  • Light fever
  • Headache 
  • Lack in focus 
  • A feeling of ear fullness


What causes cough and cold?

There are a few causes of cough and cold are stated below-

  • Constipation
  • Wet hair
  • Consumption of frozen food
  • Drinking cold drinks and juices
  • Cold weather
  • Viral infections or flu 
  • Acidity 
  • Bad weather conditions
  • Dust around you


What are the complications of cough and cold?

Complications associated with cough and cold are stated below-

  • Headaches 
  • Light fever
  • Insomnia 
  • Asthma 
  • Ear fullness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Dizziness 
  • Nausea or vomit like feeling
  • Light or bad facial pain 
  • Soreness in throat
  • Loss of smell and taste 


Dos and Don’ts for cough and cold

There are a few tips and prevention mentioned below to cure a cold and coughs at home-

  • Drink warm water
  • Walk regularly 
  • Yoga and exercise help
  • Avoid eating frozen food
  • Avoid drinking cold drinks
  • Dry your hair properly after washing your hair
  • Dry the excessive sweat 
  • Drink herbal tea
  • Drink honey tea
  • Sleep in a good ventilated room
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Don’t take bath directly after waking up
  • Gargle with warm salty water 


Home remedies for cough and cold

Follow the home remedies stated below to cure cough and cold at home-


Home remedy for cough and cold

Ingredients: Garlic, honey and lemon juice

Step 1: Take one-fourth tablespoon of garlic paste with one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice.

Step 2: Mix all these ingredients properly to make a fine paste.

Instructions: Consume this mixture regularly till the problem of cold goes out. Follow this home remedy for cough and cold regularly. 


Home remedy for cough and cold

Ingredients: Cinnamon powder and warm water

Step 1: Take a glass of warm water and one tablespoon of cinnamon powder. 

Step 2: Mix both the ingredients properly to get a fine mixture.

Instructions: Drink this warm and drink this regularly twice a day. This home remedy is very effective for the initial stage of a cold. 


Home remedy for cough and cold

Ingredients: Turmeric powder, black pepper powder, grated jaggery and milk

Step 1: Take a glass of milk and add a pinch of turmeric powder and black pepper powder. 

Step 2: Boil the milk with turmeric and black pepper, and eventually mix one tablespoon of grated jaggery for a sweet taste.

Instructions: Drink this mixture or turmeric milk (Haldi Dudh) regularly before going to bed. This home remedy is the most favourite and used home remedy of Indian mothers. 


Home remedy for cough and cold

Ingredients: Salt and water

Step 1: Take a glass of water and heat it to make it warm. 

Step 2: Add one tablespoon of salt in it and stir it well to make a fine mixture.

Instructions: Gargle with this warm salty water regularly two or three times a day. This home remedy for cough and cold is one of the most used home remedies for cough and cold. 


Home remedy for cough and cold

Ingredients: Jaggery, ginger powder and turmeric powder

Step 1: Take two tablespoons of grated jaggery with two tablespoons of ginger powder and a pinch of turmeric powder.

Step 2: Mix all these ingredients properly to make a fine mixture of them and then make candies of the mixture. 

Instructions: Keep the candy balls in your mouth and gradually suck the layers of it. Follow this home remedy for cough and cold regularly twice or thrice a day.


Home remedy for cough and cold

Ingredients: Dry ginger, black pepper, betel leaves (Paan leaves), basil leaves, water and jaggery

Step 1: Take half a tablespoon of crushed dry ginger with a pinch of crushed black pepper, crushed leaf of betel and crushed basil leaves. Boil all these ingredients in a glass of water with a few amounts of jaggery for a taste. 

Step 2: Boil all the ingredients properly and then strain them using a sieve. 

Instructions: Drink this solution regularly twice a day. This home remedy is one of the effective home remedies for cough and cold. 


Home remedy for cough and cold

Ingredients: Honey, ginger juice, and turmeric powder

Step 1: Take one tablespoon of honey and add a few drops of fresh ginger juice with a pinch of turmeric powder.

Step 2: Mix all these ingredients properly.

Instructions: Consume this mixture slowly two times a day. This home remedy is one of the potent cold cough home remedies.


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