Home Remedies for Dengue

Dengue: Tips, Causes & Home Remedies


Dengue is one of the common diseases that affect millions of people globally. According to an estimate by the world health organization, dengue affects 100 million to 400 million people in the world. India sees more cases of dengue compared to other parts of the world. 80% of dengue cases are pretty mild and don’t contain any symptoms, and generally go their own with simple precautions and remedies. The occurrence of dengue disease can lead us to death however, the fatality rate of the dengue is less than 1% but for us, a 1% death rate is also very higher, our aim is to nullify all the effects of dengue and other diseases. Fever, headache, joint pain, muscle pain etc are the common symptoms of dengue, and dengue can be treated with a few simple tips and home remedies. The mosquitoes responsible for dengue originate in clean water and they bite humans in a daytime.


What are the symptoms of dengue?

The common symptoms of dengue are stated below-

  • Nausea or the feeling of vomiting is one of the dengue fever symptoms
  • Headache is one of the common symptoms of dengue
  • Fever is one of the common symptoms of dengue fever
  • Pain in the eyes is one of the common symptoms of dengue
  • Muscle pain and joint pain are one dengue fever symptoms.
  • Rashes
  • Weakness and dizziness occur in dengue fever
  • Less movement due to extreme pain in bones and muscles


What are the causes of dengue?

Dengue fever is one of the severe diseases that can lead us to death, before knowing the cure we should all be aware of the occurrence of dengue. Dengue virus (DENV) is the one and only source of occurring dengue disease. Dengue virus goes inside our body through the bite of the mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti mosquitos bites us and puts the dengue virus inside us. The dengue virus is responsible for dengue. Slight fever, headache, body ache etc are the common symptoms of dengue. Cleanliness and preventive measures save us from dengue.


Tips for dengue treatment at home

Follow the tips stated below for the dengue treatment at home-

  • Drink turmeric milk regularly
  • Drink guava juice regularly
  • Consume red fruits like pomegranate and berries
  • Consume the foods that help in boosting immunity
  • Don’t collect clean water in an open bucket or tank.
  • Consume leafy vegetables like fenugreek leaves
  • Drink orange juice regularly


Home remedies for dengue

Dengue is one of the severe diseases that need to be cured with all the precautions, there are a few home remedies for dengue stated below, rigorously follow the home remedies for the dengue treatment at home-


Home remedy for dengue treatment at home

Ingredients: Goat milk

Step 1: Take a glass of milk and boil it properly till it gets completely boiled.

Step 2: Pour the milk into the glass and wait till it gets comfortably warm to drink.

Instructions: Drink the goat milk regularly at least two times a day, goat milk is very helpful to cure dengue. Regular consumption of goat milk enhances the workability of the immune system and this drink is very easy to digest. This home remedy is one of the effective and best home remedies for dengue. Strictly follow this home remedy for dengue treatment at home. 


Home remedy for dengue treatment at home

Ingredients: Coconut water

Instructions: Regularly drink at least two glasses of coconut water till you completely get relief from dengue. Coconut water reduces the effect of dengue on the body. This home remedy is one of the effective and best home remedies for dengue. Strictly follow this home remedy for dengue treatment at home. 


Home remedy for dengue treatment at home

Ingredients: Basil leaves, black pepper and water

Step 1: Take a few leaves of basil along with a few cloves of black pepper, and put them in a bowl of water.

Step 2: Boil the water with all the ingredients and wait till it gets half of its actual quantity. 

Instructions:  Drink this mixture 3 to 4 times after cooling it. This remedy effectively reduces the pain in the body and joints. This home remedy is one of the effective and best home remedies for dengue. Strictly follow this home remedy for dengue treatment at home. 


Home remedy for dengue treatment at home

Ingredients: Fenugreek leaves and water

Step 1: Take a few leaves of the fenugreek plants and put them in a bowl of water.

Step 2: Boil the water till the leaves get completely soaked in the water.

Instructions: Drink this mixture regularly one or two times a day. This remedy reduces the effect of dengue. This home remedy is one of the effective and best home remedies for dengue. Strictly follow this home remedy for dengue treatment at home. Follow this remedy till you get complete relief from the dengue.


Home remedy for dengue treatment at home

Ingredients: Giloy, basil leaves, and water

Step 1: Take giloy stem with a few leaves of basil, and boil them in a bowl of water.

Step 2: Boil it for 10 minutes to 15 minutes and then cool it down.

Instructions:  Drink this mixture regularly twice or thrice a day to get rid of the problem of dengue. This home remedy is one of the effective and best home remedies for dengue. Strictly follow this home remedy for dengue treatment at home. 


Home remedy for dengue treatment at home

Ingredients: Beetroot juice and carrot juice

Step 1: Extract the juice carrot in the glass and take a few spoons of beetroot juice and mix it properly with the 1/4th glass of carrot juice.

Instructions: Drink this juice multiple times a day, this juice energises and prevents our blood cells from the dengue virus. This home remedy is one of the effective and best home remedies for dengue. Strictly follow this home remedy for dengue treatment at home. 


Home remedy for dengue treatment at home

Ingredients: Red fruits

Instructions: Consume red fruits like strawberries, pomegranate etc. consumption of red fruits helps to increase the blood cells This home remedy is one of the effective and best home remedies for dengue. Strictly follow this home remedy for dengue treatment at home. 


Home remedy for dengue treatment at home

Ingredients: Papaya leaves and water

Step 1: Boil a bowl of water with a few leaves of papaya for 10 minutes.

Instructions: Cool the mixture and collect it in the glass. Drink this mixture regularly two times a day to reduce the effect of dengue. This home remedy is one of the effective and best home remedies for dengue. Strictly follow this home remedy for dengue treatment at home. 



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