Gas and bloating: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Gas and bloating: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Gas and bloating: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Gas and bloating are the most common disease that occurs in the stomach, gas and bloating problem are very common among people more than 40 years of age. However, Gas and bloating can occur in any age group of people. Gas and bloating generate terrible pain in the stomach, headache, and constipation. A person in life multiple times experiences the problem of gas and bloating. Consumption of fried food, processed food, packaged food, and fat-rich food generates the problem of gas and bloating. The occurrence of Gas and bloating doesn’t let us focus on other things including work, function, and study.


When the Gas and bloating gets trapped inside the body, our stomach generates pain in stomach and headaches occurs, this problem of the body is knowns Gas and bloating problem. 


What are the symptoms of Gas and bloating?

A person with Gas and bloating experiences the symptoms mentioned below-

  • Abdominal pain
  • Headache
  • Burping
  • Stomach gargling
  • Black stool
  • Constipation
  • A feeling of pressure in the stomach 
  • A feeling of full stomach 
  • Excessive Gas and bloating pas
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea or vomiting



What Causes Gas and bloating?

There are a few causes of Gas and bloating stated below-

  • Consumption of legumes
  • Poor eating habit
  • Consumption of refined sugar
  • Constipation
  • Consumption of high whole grains like grams
  • Chronic intestinal disease
  • High consumption of carbohydrate-rich products
  • Food poisoning 
  • Fried, processed, packaged food also causes Gas and bloating
  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, cottage cheese, and ghee


What are the complications of Gas and bloating?

There are a few complications mentioned below that can occur because of Gas and bloating-

  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Headache 
  • Inflammation in stomach
  • Chest pain
  • Sore throat
  • Insomnia


Top 10 best tips to treat the Gas and bloating problem

  • Do not consume legumes (beans), broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and hard to digest food like grams.

  • Don’t drink sugar-rich liquids and beverages
  • Avoid consuming dairy products 
  • Stop consuming fat-rich food including fried, packaged, and processed food
  • Avoid consuming garlic and onions 
  • Take 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar
  • Chew peppermint daily after every meal
  • Drink chamomile tea and lemon juice 
  • Grapes, watermelon, and papaya helps reduce Gas and bloating
  • Consumption of tomatoes helps to treat Gas and bloating


Home remedies for Gas and bloating

Follow the home remedies mentioned below to treat the Gas and bloating problem at home-


First Home remedy for Gas and bloating


Ingredients: Cumin seed, Jaggery, and 2 cups of water

Step 1: Roast the two tablespoons of cumin seeds until the cumin turns brownish-black

Step 2: Grate the jaggery and take one tablespoon of grated-jaggery

Step 3: Mix grated jaggery and roasted cumin in the water and boil it. Boil the mixture till it becomes half of its initial quantity.

Instructions: Strain the concoction in the cup and drink it warm every 30 minutes break.


Second Home remedy for Gas and bloating


Ingredients: One cup of water, lemon, and baking soda

Step 1: Take one glass of lukewarm water and squeeze half of a lemon sap into it.

Step 2: After adding lemon sap, add one-fourth spoon of baking soda into it. Stir it and mix it well.

Instructions: Drink this concoction regularly after each meal. 


Third Home remedy for Gas and bloating


Ingredients: Ginger and lemon juice

Step 1: Cut ginger into multiple thin slices

Step 2: Soak the ginger pieces into a lemon for one hour.

Instructions: Chew these ginger slices daily after every meal.


Fourth Home remedy for Gas and bloating


Ingredients: Dry ginger, asafoetida powder (Heeng powder), black salt, and a glass of warm water

Step 1: Take dry ginger and powder it using a blender.

Step 2: Add a pinch of dry ginger powder, asafoetida powder, and black salt into the glass of warm water. Stir the glass of water and mix all the ingredients properly to make a fine mixture.

Instructions: Drink this concoction once a day.


Fifth Home remedy for Gas and bloating


Ingredients: Black pepper powder, dry ginger powder, cardamom powder, and a glass of warm water.

Step 1: Take one tablespoon of black pepper powder and dry ginger powder and a half of cardamom powder.

Step 2: Stir the water properly to make a perfect mixture.

Instructions: Drink this mixture regularly one hour after having breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


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