Halitosis: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Halitosis: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies

Halitosis (Bad breath)

Halitosis, bad breath, and foul breath are different words but signify the same meaning that is odour in breathing. 1 out of 4 people globally are affected by halitosis or 25% of the global population are suffering from bad breath or foul breath. Once in a lifetime, everyone experiences a bad breath issue. Smell in breath embarrasses the people more often when they interact with someone so closely. But have you ever thought about why our breath is odour sometimes? Maybe it is a sign of imbalance in our body! This article will brief you about bad breath, its causes, and a few home remedies to cure bad breath.


What is Halitosis or bad breath?

Poor odour or smell in the exhaled breath is called halitosis or foul breath, commonly known as bad breath. Causes of bad breath vary from man to man, but halitosis subsequently occurs due to some sort of disease, imbalanced abdominal, metabolism disorder, liver failure, genetic, failure of kidney, and unhygienic living. Our mouth releases extensive and different odours depending on the cause of the odour. A few different odours and causes are mentioned below-


Extreme unpleasant or stingy breath: This segment of halitosis is transmitted through sexual activities. This infection is a bacterial infection, that makes the outer sex organ of a person sore and achy and that causes a very bad smell of breath. Underestimation of these signs can lead us to severe heart diseases, brain diseases, and other life-threatening diseases.


Breath like a dead person: When the liver does not work properly and fails to clear waste material on its own, this causes an odour like a dead person or commonly known as the “breath of a dead person”


Acidic and sour breath: Digestive and intestinal issues or acidity in the stomach causes acidic or sour breath.


Fishy Breath: When the substance in our body that converts our food and drinks into energy (metabolism) does not function properly that causes fishy breath. 


Ammoniac breath (Pee smell): The mouth exhales the breath that smells like ammonia and pee. Ammoniac breath occurs when the kidneys of our body do not filter our blood cleanly. Underestimating this sign can be the cause of kidney failure.


Decomposed meat smell: When lungs work inefficiently, do not work properly, and get infectious this inefficiency of the lungs changes the smell of breath into the very odour breath of rotten smell of meat. 


Fruity smell: People who have diabetes and whose insulin does not work properly, smell sweet or fruity breath.


What causes bad breath halitosis?

There are a few common causes of bad breath (halitosis) mentioned below:

  • Lack of dental hygiene
  • Regular or partly medications   
  • Smoking or tobacco consumption 
  • Infectious mouth
  • Uncleaned tongue 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Genetic
  • Gastro related issues
  • Intestinal problem
  • Acidity 
  • Consumption of garlic, onion, peanut butter, and radish
  • Diabetes 
  • Infectious lungs
  • Respiratory infections
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver misfunctioning


What are the complications of bad breath or halitosis?

Bad breath does not create any severe complications in our body however, bad breath may affect your daily life with the embarrassment you feel while interacting with people. Bad breath does not create any such complications, but halitosis can be the sign of severe diseases like-

  • Liver related disease
  • Disease of kidney
  • Diabetes
  • Gum disease
  • Mouth, nose or lung infection
  • Gastric reflux
  • Intestinal infection


Dos and Don’ts to cure bad breath or halitosis:

  • Maintain dental hygiene
  • Do not smoke and avoid tobacco
  • Clean your tongue regularly
  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Drink the abundant amount of water
  • Consume yoghurt regularly
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Gargle and clean your mouth properly with water after eating
  • Gargle with vinegar kills the odour causing bacteria 
  • Eat healthy food
  • Chew the gum to increase the quantity of saliva


Home remedies for bad breath

Follow these home remedies mentioned below to remove odour from the breath- 


First remedy for bad breath:

Ingredients: Baking soda, one lemon, and a cup of water

Steps: Put 2 spoon of baking soda on an empty cup and then squeeze a lemon’s sap on it, mix it properly, add a cup of water on it and mix it properly.

Instruction to take: Gargle with this water twice a day, this will refresh your breath.


The second remedy for bad breath: 

Ingredients: Cardamom, bay leaf, cinnamon powder, and water

Steps: Boil one cup of water with one crushed cardamom, one bay leaf, and one tablespoon of cinnamon powder for 4-5 minutes. Then strain it and leave it for cooling.

Instructions to take: keep a gulp of this mixture in your mouth, swing it properly to all the corners of your mouth and gargle before spitting. Do this 3 times a day immediately after eating.


Third remedy for bad breath:

Ingredients: A cup of water and fenugreek seed.

Steps: Boil a cup of water with one spoon of fenugreek seed. After boiling, strain it and let it be lukewarm or cool.

Instruction to take: If halitosis or bad breath is because of abdominal infection, consumption of this liquid will help to reduce infection. Drink this mixture twice a day.


Top 5 tips to cure bad breath 

  • 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar in water and gargle and then brush immediately 
  • Keep a gulp of 2 spoons of coconut oil in your mouth and swing it in your mouth for 8-10 min
  • Consume yoghurt regularly. Yoghurt helps to remove the odour causing bacteria.
  • Chew neem tree’s soft sticks, kill the infection-causing bacteria
  • Clean tongue with tongue cleaner before going to bed and after brushing in the morning


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