Head lice: Causes, Tips & Home Remedies


The problem of head lice is one of the common problems that occur to any human being. The head lice problem is highly prevalent among the children and majorly affects the girls from them. The problem of head lice is bothering and affecting people since antiquity and head lice equally affect both the rich and poor classes people. Most beauty brand companies advertise and claim that their product made up of chemical concoctions has the capabilities to remove the head lice in very less time, however, these claims would eventually turn out to be false. Instead of removing the head lice those chemical solvents cause many side effects and complications. Irritation and itching on the scalp are the common symptoms of the head lice problem. The head lice mainly occur due to the direct contact with infested person. The infestation also occurs due to the usage of personal items of the infested person like comb, pillow, cap, scarves etc. Removal of each hair lice is a must as a few countable head lice can also reproduce nits and other head lice. There are a few home remedies for head lice and tips, that can help you to get rid of head lice and infestation.


What are head lice?

Head lice are the parasitic insects found in the hairy part of the body and they consume human blood for survival. Head lice live their whole life on the human head around the hair, head lice swig the blood from the hair follicles of the body. Excessive itching and irritation on the scalp are the common symptoms of head lice. Head lice transmit through physical contact with the affected person. The spread of head lice can occur due to the usage of various personal things like a comb, pillow, cap etc. The complete removal of these head lice is a must as over the years it has been seen that a few head lice can cause infestation.


What are the symptoms of head lice?

A person affected with head lice may suffer the symptoms stated below-

  • Extreme itching
  • A feeling of movement on the scalp
  • Irritation
  • Light bleeding due to the scratch by head lice
  • Whitish nits over the hair
  • Sores on the neck and shoulder


What causes head lice?

The head lice mainly transmit from one man to another through direct contact with the infested person. Head-to-head transmission among children is the major cause of occurring head lice problems. Head lice are wingless insects that occur through the transmission by direct contact to the infested person or using personal items of the infested person like comb, pillow, hairbrush, cap, scarves etc. The life cycle of head lice ends within 30 days. If the head lice go out from the body, they don’t survive more than two days. Precautions are a must to prevent the scalp from the head lice. Cleanliness doesn’t play any significant role in the occurrence of head lice, a man who lives his life in cleanliness can also go through the problem of head lice. The usage of ayurvedic home remedies can solve the problem of head lice naturally. Two major causes of head lice are-

  • Direct transmission from the head 
  • Usage of infested personal items like comb, pillow and cap


What are the complications of head lice?

The complications associated with head lice are stated below-

  • Insomnia
  • Itching problem
  • Psychological issues
  • Irritation
  • Stress and anxiety


Tips to reduce head lice

Follow the tips stated below to cure head lice at home-

  • Regular bathing helps to reduce head lice
  • Use your own personal items to groom your body
  • Keep precaution and distance from the infested person
  • Don’t use personal items of infested person
  • Clean your clothes with detergent properly
  • Oil your scalp regularly to reduce the infestation
  • Condition your head after washing the hair
  • Use the lice remover comb to remove head lice
  • Massaging the head with olive oil soothes the skin and kills the head lice


Home remedies for head lice

Complete removal of each head lice and nits is very important to get rid of head lice. Follow the home remedies stated below to keep your head infestation free-


Home remedy for head lice

Ingredients: Almonds and lemon sap

Step 1: Peel around 10 almonds and crush them properly to get a fine powder.

Step 2: Mix the crushed almonds with the 4 tablespoons of lemon sap.

Instructions: After mixing both the ingredients properly, apply the paste to your infested part of the body, after applying it gently, leave it as it is for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with the normal water. The mixture of these two ingredients makes the remedy effective and powerful, the acidic properties of lemon clear all the head lice from the body. This home remedy is one of the potent and effective home remedies for head lice. Follow this home remedy for head lice continuously for a week.


Home remedy for head lice

Ingredients: Onion

Step 1: Take around two onions, peel the onions and crush them to get a fine paste.

Step 2: Put the paste of onion into a sieve and strain the juice into a bowl.

Instructions: Apply the sieved onion juice to your scalp gently and massage the scalp gradually with the gentle hands, after massaging leave it for a minimum of one hour and then rinse it off with normal water. Onion contains high medicinal properties that are very helpful for hair and skin. the application of onion sap to the infested skin clears all the head lice including nits. This home remedy for head lice is one of the most effective and powerful home remedies for head lice. Follow this home remedy for head lice regularly for a week.


Home remedy for head lice

Ingredients: Vinegar and water

Step 1: Take 3 to 4 spoons of vinegar or apple cider vinegar with one glass of normal water.

Step 2: Mix both the ingredients correctly to get a perfect solution.

Instructions: Apply this paste gently to your infested area of the body, and leave it overnight. Wash your infested part in the morning with normal water. Use a lice-remover comb after that and extract out all the dead head lice and nits. Follow this home remedy for head lice regularly for at least one week to get the complete solution to this head lice problem. Vinegar is a well-known lice removal solution; application of this acidic solution removes head lice and nits from the scalp. 


Home remedy for head lice

Ingredients: Lemon sap and garlic

Step 1: Take a few cloves of garlic and make a fine paste of them.

Step 2: Take an equal amount of lemon sap and mix both the ingredients properly.

Instructions: Apply the paste to your infestation affected skin to get rid of the unwanted head lice. Keep it remain for at least 30 minutes and then rinse it off with the normal water. Wash your hair with homemade ayurvedic shampoo after using this home remedy for head lice. The mixture of garlic and lemon sap is an effective homemade remedy to remove head lice and nits from the scalp and the body. This home remedy for head lice is one of the most potent and effective home remedies for head lice, follow this home remedy regularly for a week.


Home remedy for head lice

Ingredients: Olive oil

Instructions: Massage your scalp with olive oil regularly at night before going to bed. Olive oil is one of the best natural head lice and nits removal. Apply olive oil to your skin regularly. The massage of olive oil to the scalp reduces the infestation and neutralizes the nits. Olive oil itself is a potent home remedy for head lice.


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