Headache or pain in the head, headache is the very common ache that we experience in our daily life, multiple times we see our colleague, friend, mates, and family member experiencing a headache. Multiple times in life even you have had experienced the ache of the head. People more often do not go to the doctor to treat the problem of headaches. Headache mostly occurs because of stress and tension we take. There are many causes of headaches and each cause of headache shows different symptoms. Headache can be cured with a few easy tips and home remedies mentioned below. Each type of headache needs a different treatment. Headache needs to be taken seriously as headache leads us to other chronic and serious diseases.
What is a headache?
Pain in any part of the head is known as headache, the range of pain can be light and sharp. Headache is one of the common medical conditions that mostly no one takes seriously. Headaches are equally prevalent among all the people in the world. Headache can occur due to high stress of work and family, lack of sleeping, overworking in front of laptops, insomnia disease and various others. People mostly when suffer a headache consume any of certain allopathic medicine without any prescription and eventually suffers the side effects and the complications of such certain allopathic medicine. To understand elaborately about the headache, understand the types of headaches.
Types of headaches
There are commonly four types of headaches, that are mentioned below-
What are the causes of headaches?
There are a few major causes of headaches mentioned below-
What are the complications of headaches?
Headaches can lead us to various complications that are mentioned below-
Dos and don’ts for headaches:
Home remedies for headaches
Follow the home remedies for headaches to reduce the headaches at home in a very less time
First home remedy for headache
Ingredients: cloves, sugar, and water
Step 1: Take 5 cloves and crush them to make a good powder
Step 2: Take a glass of water and boil it with the crushed cloves till water become half of its initial quantity.
Step 3: Strain the liquid using a sieve and mix half a spoon of sugar.
Instruction: Mix the sugar properly and wait till it turns comfortably warm to drink. This is one of the best home remedies for headaches, it gives instant relief from headaches.
Second-home remedy for headache
Ingredients: Ginger, Basil leaves, and a cup of water
Step 1: Take one cup of water, add 8 basil leaves with grated ginger and boil it.
Step 2: Pour the liquid into the cup along with the leaves and ginger, wait for 5 minutes to cool it.
Instruction: Drink this tea regularly two to three times a day.
Third home remedy for headache
Ingredients: Few neem leaves, pinch of turmeric powder, 2 amla balls, small grated pieces of ginger, and a glass of water.
Instruction: Mix all the ingredients properly into the water and boil it. Drink a warm mixture to get instant relief from headaches.
Fourth home remedy for headache
Ingredients: Lavender oil and sesame oil
Instruction: Massage your forehead and temple with the oil.
Fifth home remedy for headache
Ingredients: ¼ cup of beetroot juice, ¼ cup of cucumber juice, and ½ cup of carrot juice
Instruction: Mix all these ingredients and drink this mixture to get relief from headaches.
5 Tips for headache relief