Low Blood pressure: Causes and Home remedies

Low Blood pressure: Causes and Home remedies

Low Blood Pressure: Overview and Home Remedies

Low blood pressure, is also known as hypotension. Hypotension is one of the most common and high prevalent diseases among people globally. For a few years, it has been absorbed that problem of low blood pressure or low BP increased drastically among the youth. The problem of low BP is very common as one member in each family has the problem of low blood pressure or hypotension. Blood pressure can fall at any place, overthinking, dehydration and a hungry stomach can lead you to low blood pressure problems. Consumption of coffee and black tea can give you instant relief from the problem of low blood pressure. To get rid of the problem of low blood pressure or hypotension, there are some home remedies mentioned in the below paragraphs, follow the tips and prevention religiously.


What is low blood pressure?

Low blood pressure is also known as low BP or hypotension. Hypotension or low blood pressure is the situation in which the blood of the body does not reach the brain properly. Due to hypotension or low blood pressure person experiences fainting, dizziness, unconsciousness, and blurry vision. Low blood pressure is one of the leading problems among people all over the world. Low blood pressure or hypotension lessens the focus, hypotension or low BP can occur due to various reasons including high blood loss, stressful life, dehydration, and nutrition deficiency. 


What are the symptoms of low blood pressure?

  • Mild headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Weakness 
  • Dizziness 
  • Unconsciousness
  • Feeling of sickness
  • Confusion 
  • Fainting 
  • Lack of concentration
  • Nausea


What causes low blood pressure?

These are the few causes of low blood pressure mentioned below-

  • Malnutrition 
  • Stressful life
  • Heart-related problems
  • Dehydration 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Blood loss due to injuries 
  • Increasing age
  • Medications of other diseases
  • Liver related diseases
  • A low temperature of the body
  • Blood infection


What are the complications of low blood pressure?

  • Dizziness 

  • Weakness
  • Fainting 
  • Unconsciousness
  • Tired  
  • Brain related issues
  • Kidney and liver problems


How to raise low blood pressure to normal? 

These are the few ways mentioned below to raise low blood pressure-

  • Drink an ample amount of water.
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Eat a balanced diet 
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol
  • Increase the intake of salt 
  • Herb tea helps to regulate low blood pressure
  • Drink caffeine for instant relief from low blood pressure
  • Drink a black coffee and black tea for instant relief
  • Consume food that is high in folate. Folate rich products are- asparagus, legumes, citrus fruits etc.
  • Eat fluid rich product

Home remedies for low blood pressure 

Follow the home remedies for low blood pressure to cure your low blood pressure.

Home remedy for low blood pressure

Ingredients: Basil leaves and honey

Step 1: Take around 10 fresh basil leaves and wash them properly.

Step 2: Crush them to make a fine paste.

Step 3: Extract its juice using a sieve and mix one tablespoon of pure honey in it. 

Instructions: Eat this mixture regularly two times a day. This home remedy for low blood pressure is one of the best effective home remedies for low blood pressure. 


Home remedy for low blood pressure

Ingredients: Raisins and water

Step 1: Take 15 to 20 raisins, soak them in the water overnight.

Step 2: Consume these raisins regularly on an empty stomach with one glass of water. 

Instructions: Consume the raisin regularly in the morning, one hour before eating anything. Follow this home remedy for low blood pressure is one of the best effective home remedies for low blood pressure.


Home remedy for low blood pressure

Ingredients: Basil leaves, black pepper, cloves, and a glass of water

Step 1: Take 10 leaves of basil, 4 black pepper, and 2 cloves, add them to a glass of water.

Step 2: Boil the mixture till the mixture turns half of its initial quantity.

Step 3: After boiling the mixture, strain the liquid in the glass using a sieve.

Instructions: Drink this warm solution daily one time a day. This home remedy for low blood pressure is one of the best effective home remedies for low blood pressure. 


Home remedy for low blood pressure

Ingredients: Honey and garlic 

Step 1: Take a few cloves of garlic, peel it and crush it to make a fine paste.

Step 2: Extract the sap of crushed garlic using a sieve. 

Step 3: Take one tablespoon of honey and mix it with one-fourth tablespoon of garlic sap.

Instructions: Mix these two ingredients properly and consume them three times a day. This home remedy for low blood pressure is one of the best effective home remedies for low blood pressure. 


Home remedy for low blood pressure

Ingredients: Turmeric powder, coriander powder, ginger powder, cardamom powder, sugar, milk and water.

Step 1: Take one-fourth tablespoon of turmeric powder, one-fourth tablespoon for coriander powder, one pinch of ginger powder and cardamom powder, and two tablespoons of sugar. Mix all these ingredients properly. 

Step 2: Put one cup of milk in the pan along with half a cup of water. 

Step 3: Add mixed ingredients properly in the pan, and boil it for 10 to 11 minutes. Strain the tea in the cup using a sieve.

Instructions: Drink this hot tea regularly two times a day. This home remedy for low blood pressure is one of the best effective home remedies for low blood pressure. 


Home remedy for low blood pressure

Ingredients: Liquorice (Mulethi)

Step 1: Take a few liquorices and make a tea of them.

Step 3: (Liquorice powder can also be used while making a tea)

Instructions: Drink this tea regularly at least three times a day. This home remedy for low blood pressure is one of the best effective home remedies for low blood pressure.


Home remedy for low blood pressure

Ingredients: Basil leaves (Tulsi leaves) 

Instructions: Make a tulsi tea of it, and drink it two to three times a day. This home remedy for low blood pressure is one of the best effective home remedies for low blood pressure. 


Home remedy for low blood pressure

Ingredients: Lemon, salt, and water

Step 1: Take a glass of water, and squeeze the sap of lemon in it. 

Step 2: Add half a tablespoon of salt to the juice and mix it properly.

Instructions: Drink this mixture for instant relief from low blood pressure. This home remedy for low blood pressure is one of the best effective home remedies for low blood pressure.

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