Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Sore Throat: Tips, Causes & Home Remedies

Sore throat is one of the common problems that almost everyone faces in their lives. Sore throat affects millions of people in daily life. The problem of sore throat mostly occurs due to viral infections, however, there can be other reasons that can trigger the problem of sore throat. People affected with sore throat problems may experience the change in the voice module. Mild pain, difficulty in swallowing, slight swelling in the throat area etc are the common symptoms of sore throat. Tonsilitis, GERD, viral flu, viral infections and bacterial infections are the major causes of sore throat. The problem of sore throat mostly affects people at a younger age, especially in childhood. Even though this disease is highly prevalent among children but it also affects millions of adults in the world. A sore throat can be treated with easy tips and home remedies, rigorous following of these home remedies can cure the problem of sore throat.


What are the symptoms of a sore throat?

These are the few symptoms of sore throat stated below-

  • Itching and slight pain around the throat area

  • Change in voice or muffled voice

  • Difficulty in swallowing food and liquid

  • Slight swelling in a throat area

  • Mild pain while talking

  • Weal or welt

  • Red tonsils

  • Irritation


What causes sore throat?

A sore throat may occur due to many reasons but the major causes of sore throat are stated below-

  • Cold, flu and viral infections are the common causes of sore throat

  • Bacterial infections are one of the causes of sore throat

  • Allergies that affect the throat also becomes one of the main causes of throat

  • Dry atmosphere around us is one of the major causes of sore throat

  • Injury in the neck also causes soreness in the throat

  • Smoking and chemical exposure to the throat is one of the common causes of sore throat.

  • GERD or acid reflux disease are one of the major causes of sore throat

  • Tumour in the throat also causes soreness in the throat

  • Tonsilitis is one of the common causes of sore throat.


Home remedies for sore throat

Sore throat affects millions of people in the world, there are a few home remedies for sore throat stated below, follow the home remedies for sore throat treatment at home-


Best home remedy for sore throat

Ingredients: Basil leaves, turmeric and water

Step 1: Take a few leaves of basil and a piece of turmeric, and mix them in a glass of water.

Step 2: Boil the mixture for 5 minutes to 10 minutes and then pour it back into a glass of water.

Instructions: Gargle with this warm water every two hours at least for 5 minutes. Follow this best home remedy for sore throat regularly and rigorously for the sore throat treatment at home. Basil leaves are one of the best herbs in Ayurveda to cure the problem of sore throat, basil leaves clear the throat and releases the phlegm.


Best home remedy for sore throat

Ingredients: Giloy

Step 1: Take a few stems of giloy and put them into a glass of water.

Step 2: Boil the water till it becomes half of its actual quantity. Strain the liquid in the glass using a sieve.

Instructions: Drink this warm mixture regularly in the morning. Giloy plays a critical role in curing cough and soreness of the throat. Follow this best home remedy for sore throat regularly and rigorously for the sore throat treatment at home. Giloy contains high anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling of the throat and decreases the pain.


Best home remedy for sore throat

Ingredients: Mint leaves, ginger, water and lemongrass

Step 1: Take a few leaves of mint with one piece of mashed ginger and a few lemon grasses, and boil all these ingredients in the two glasses of water till water turns half of its initial quantity.

Step 2: After boiling strain the liquid into the glass using a sieve.

Instructions: Drink this concoction whenever you feel coughing and pain in the throat area. Drink this mixture when it's warm or lukewarm. Follow this best home remedy for sore throat regularly and rigorously for the sore throat treatment at home. Ginger is very helpful to reduce the inflammation and pain occurring in the body due to sore throat.


Best home remedy for sore throat

Ingredients: Garlic and honey

Step 1: Crush a few cloves of garlic to get a fine paste of it.

Step 2: Take one tablespoon of crushed garlic with one or two tablespoons of honey, and mix them properly to get a fine homemade medicine throat.

Instructions: Consume this mixture regularly two times a day to reduce the inflammation and soreness of the throat. Eat Follow this best home remedy for sore throat regularly and rigorously for the sore throat treatment at home. This is one of the effective home remedies for sore throat.


Best home remedy for sore throat

Ingredients: Turmeric, milk, and black pepper

Step 1: Take a glass of warm milk and mix one tablespoon of turmeric and a pinch of black pepper powder in it.

Step 2: Mix all the ingredients properly to get a fine concoction.

Instructions: Drink this milk at night before going to bed. Follow this best home remedy for sore throat regularly and rigorously for the sore throat treatment at home. This concoction of black pepper, milk, and turmeric soothes the throat and clears the phlegm. This home remedy is one of the best home remedies for sore throat.


Best home remedy for sore throat

Ingredients: Alum

Step 1: Take a piece of alum and properly mix it into a glass of water.

Step 2: Boil this water for 5 minutes to 10 minutes.

Instructions: Gargle with this water regularly twice a day, this remedy lessens the pain and cures the throat pain. Follow this best home remedy for sore throat regularly and rigorously for the sore throat treatment at home. Alum contains high medicinal properties that help in curing soreness of the throat.


Best home remedy for sore throat

Ingredients: Coriander seed, honey, ginger, and water

Step 1: Take one tablespoon of coriander seed with a piece of ginger, mash them and crush them.

Step 2: Put these two crushed ingredients into the water, and boil the water for 5 to 6 minutes.

Step 3: Strain the liquid in the glass and mix one or two tablespoons of honey in it.

Instructions: Drink this concoction at least two times a day. Follow this best home remedy for sore throat regularly and rigorously for the sore throat treatment at home. This concoction plays a crucial role in curing the soreness of the throat at home.


Best home remedy for sore throat

Ingredients: Turmeric powder, water, and carom seed powder

Step 1: Take one tablespoon of turmeric powder and carom seed powder, and mix them in a glass of lukewarm water.

Instructions: Drink this mixture regularly twice a day. This mixture contains high medicinal properties, and intake of this drink helps to maintain the balance of the body. Follow this best home remedy for sore throat regularly and rigorously for the sore throat treatment at home. Try this home remedy if the cause of the sore throat is acid reflux or GERD.


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