Whitening of yellow and discolored teeth

Whitening of yellow and discolored teeth

Yellow teeth or black teeth many times embarrass us while interacting with someone and while passing a smile and laughter to another person. The problem of discolouration of teeth or yellow teeth affects millions of people around the world. Approximately every person in this world at some phase in this life faces the problem of discolouration of teeth or yellow teeth. There are a few tips and home remedies stated below in the paragraphs that can treat yellow teeth or discoloured teeth into white teeth.


What are yellow teeth or discolouration of teeth?

Discolouration of teeth occurs when the original colour of teeth gets changed. When the discolouration occurs, teeth do not look as they have to look. Yellow teeth occur due to multiple causes including consumption of sweets and lack of dental hygiene. High consumption of the sweet product and poor dental hygiene builds the layer of plaque around the teeth and discolour them and turn them yellow. It is common for teeth to turn yellow or get discoloured at an older age.


What are the causes of yellow teeth or discolouration of teeth?

These are a few major causes of yellow teeth or discolouration of teeth mentioned below-

  • Consumption of sweet products including food, vegetables, and drinks
  • Consumption of tobacco 
  • High consumption of coffee and tea
  • Smoking
  • Poor oral hygiene 
  • Diseases especially enamel affecting diseases
  • Medication of any underlying disease
  • Increasing age
  • Genetics or hereditary
  • Trauma


What are the complications of yellow teeth or discolouration of teeth?

There are no such medical complications that occur due to yellow teeth however, yellow teeth somewhere disable our presence in social life and affects our self-esteem. Extreme yellowish of teeth and a high amount of plaque generation around the teeth can damage the teeth and can be painful. 


Dos and Don’ts for whitening of teeth-

  • Brush your teeth every day two times a day
  • Clean and wash your mouth properly after every meal
  • Wash your mouth properly after consuming any sweet drinks
  • Consume liquid-filled fruits and vegetables
  • Increase the weightage of salad in your appetite 
  • Don’t smoke 
  • Regulate the consumption of sweet products
  • Maintain oral hygiene 
  • Quit the consumption of tobacco 
  • Don’t keep your mouth dry
  • Eat fruits like strawberry and pineapple
  • Oil pulling around the teeth
  • Follow the home remedies for white teeth mentioned below


Home remedies for white teeth

Follow the home remedies for white teeth mentioned below to treat your yellow teeth at home-

First home remedy for white teeth

Ingredients: Basil leaves and dry orange peels

Step 1: Take 7 leaves of basil and crush them to make a fine paste.

Step 2: Take a few amounts of dry orange peels and grind them to make a thin powder.

Step 3: After following both the steps mentioned above. Mix both the ingredients to make a fine paste

Instructions: Apply this paste directly to your teeth and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse your mouth with normal water. This home remedy for white teeth has no side effect, hence a person can do this remedy multiple times in day or week.


Second home remedy for white teeth

Ingredients: Baking soda and water

Step 1: Take 2 spoons of baking soda or cooking soda and mix it with water to make a thick paste.

Step 2: Apply this paste to your teeth and let it remain for 5 minutes. 

Instructions: After applying this paste on your teeth, gargle your mouth with water and swing water all around in the mouth. Follow this home remedy for white teeth every night before sleeping.


Third home remedy for white teeth

Ingredients: Salt and lemon sap

Step 1: Take one spoon of salt and make a thick paste of salt using lemon sap.

Step 2: Brush your teeth with this paste.

Instructions: the person can try this home remedy for white teeth regularly or alternatively. Be careful while brushing and take care of your gums.


Fourth home remedy for white teeth

Ingredients: Charcoal

Step 1: Take a few pieces or capsules of charcoal and crush them to make a powder.

Step 2: Wet your toothbrush with water and put a few amounts of charcoal powder on it.

Instructions: Follow these home remedies two times a day. Brushing with charcoal is one of the best home remedies for white teeth.


Fifth home remedy for white teeth

Ingredients: Apple cider vinegar and a warm water

Step 1: Take two spoons of apple cider vinegar and mix it into a glass of warm water.

Step 2: Gargle with this water and swing this water all around in the mouth.

Instructions: Do this home remedy for white teeth one or two times a week. 


Sixth home remedy for white teeth

Ingredients: Coconut oil/ Sunflower seed oil/ Sesame oil

Step 1: Use any one of these oils mentioned above and take 2 spoons of it.

Step 2: Gargle with the oil and swing the oil all around in the mouth to reach every corner. 

Instructions: Try this home remedy for white teeth regularly two times a day in the morning at least for 15 minutes. This home remedy kills the bacteria and activates saliva.


Seventh home remedy for white teeth

Ingredients: Mango leaves 

Instruction: Chew fresh mango leaves every day in the morning for around 5 to 10 minutes 


Eighth home remedy for white teeth

Ingredients: Walnut leaves

Instructions: Chew the fresh leaves of walnut every day multiple times a day.


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